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O U R   P R O C E S S


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M E E T   A N D   G R E E T


We want to make sure that we’re the right fit for your needs! During our complimentary introduction call, we’re here to answer any questions you have, get a sense for your goals, and determine whether or not our unique service model is the right fit for you.


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 L E A R N   O U R   P R O C E S S

We will provide a general overview of our technology. We will also discuss requested information and steps to scheduling our virtual meetings.


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S H A R E   Y O U R   V I S I O N 


We will focus on your money history, goals, and values along with some high level financial information. Together, we’ll explore all of your exciting dreams and goals, as well as the financial fears that are holding you back. 


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Our team will collaborate with you to build your custom financial plan that’s tailored to your goals and values. 


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Based on our discussions and the information you’ve shared, we’ll propose action steps to better align your financial realities of today with your goals for tomorrow.



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O N G O I N G   S U P P O R T


We will meet periodically to reassess your financial plan and make any changes needed.  A financial plan should be able to grow and change with you. 




A N N U A L   R E T A I N E R   F E E S

We help your money work for you, including the money you put to work with us. We understand that financial planning may be new to your lifestyle plan. We want you to feel satisfied with the value you receive and to discover new confidence and peace with your finances.


Financial planning is a process, not a stagnant document and is designed to help you reach your specific financial goals. 2050 Wealth Partners offers a full range of planning services, and we provide objective and unbiased advice. We uphold our commitment to answer only to you and to keep your financial well-being at the center of our recommendations. Organizing and maintaining your financial household shouldn’t be intimidating. We are here to help.
















Starting at

Starting at


Starting at



Our annual retainer service for Individuals and Couples includes discretionary investment management of investable assets valued up to $400,000 by the firm on a continuous, ongoing basis. An asset under management (AUM) fee will be assessed at 0.75% for investable assets above $400,000. 

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